Silvester Clark has a reputation for innovative, economical and efficient design solutions and we have demonstrated this in commercial projects.
We have been involved as part of a team on some very diverse commercial projects ranging from retail to educational, office to industrial as well as defence projects for the New Zealand Government.
Recently, through alternative redesigns, we saved a client $6 million over two projects worth around $30 million. The solutions were peer reviewed prior to construction.
We enjoy working on projects of various sizes and learning about the use and process within the buildings.

“Buildability is always important to us as building contractors and we have found Silvester Clark to design with this in mind.”
“Again I must compliment your firm for the professionalism that was displayed in dealing with the Hutt City Council and their consultants to bring this matter to a very successful conclusion.”
“We found the entire process painless. Silvester Clark corresponded directly with WCC on our behalf. We now have a building that is not on the earthquake prone register. This has added value to our property.”
“This is good news! Thanks for your help in having our property assessed as being more that 33% NBS. My fellow unit owners and myself appreciate your efforts.”
“For a total costs of around $20,000 (including professional engineers fees, Council fees and the strengthening work itself) the building has been transformed from an earthquake-prone structure to an 100% compliant building. The Owners are naturally delighted with the result and are highly impressed with the services of Silvester Clark.”
Because of yours and Silvester Clark’s urgent and quality assistance, we now have clarity on our next move in pursuing this building.